Gulshan Society

For Serenity, Security and Better Living

Orientation Workshop for newly inducted Committee members

Pursuant to the policy of decentralization, the new Executive Committee wanted to get very dynamic and effective members for the ten Standing Committees covering vari-ous areas of operation of the Society and the six Zonal Committees as the operational arm of the EC for implementation of its programs. Members for these Committees were selected on the basis of their interest for working in particular Committees. Despite their expression of interest for working in specific Committees, it was felt that they need some orientation for a clear understanding of their duties and responsibili-ties. For this purpose, the EC organized a Workshop on 28th May, 2016 at Gulshan Club. This event was enthusiastically participated by a large number of the Committee members. The President, Vice Presidents and the Secretary General who have served at least one term as EC members shared their experience and the best practices. There was an open and free exchange of views by all participants and the event was a great success.